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Smart Heating Management Integrated Platform

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Platform Introduction

The intelligent heating management integrated platform is a comprehensive heating system platform that integrates functions such as data collection, monitoring, automatic temperature adjustment, manual adjustment, data analysis heat meters, temperature control valves, room temperature collection. It mainly focuses on large data queries related analysis f secondary network balance terminal temperature. It can manage valves used f intelligent heating, such as NB balance valves, V-shaped regulating valves, NB on-off valves, etc., establish files f users. It can complete the timed automatic collection of intelligent valve data the intelligent adjustment of valve opening function.

The management end adopts B/S (browser/server) architecture, the client does need to install software, only the browser can be used normally. It is compatible with various maj browsers, including IE11 above, Google, Firefox. It is recommended to choose Google Firefox first. Software upgrade maintenance are convenient, the client basically achieves zero maintenance.

maj function 

1. Energy saving efficiency enhancing, on-dem heating, real-time regulation, improving heating quality efficiency

2. Support unmanned operation save lab costs

3. Support remote video surveillance system to provide security f unmanned operation

4. Upload data on energy water consumption. Provide a basis f charging operation

5. Implement data monitoring across the entire network to facilitate timely detection resolution of issues

6. Detailed historical data records provide reference basis f subsequent heat network control:

7. An open system platform that supports multiple platform integration methods

8. Modular design, on-dem selection, easy to exp.

Communication method


Product characteristics


Temperature Control Valve Balance Temperature Control Big Data Visualization Platform

