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Is this prepaid water meter swollen?

17:34:02 21/03/2020

Nowadays, with the rapid development of science technology, water meters have also been updated to some extent. Prepaid water meters are a kind of technology that uses modern microelectronics technology, modern sensing technology, smart stored-value card technology to measure water consumption use water data transmission settlement transactions Let's take a look at the new water meter.

A prepaid water meter is a water meter product developed to adapt to the management principle system of "pay before use". The design is to add an electronic add-on device a control valve to the base meter of the water meter. The user is required to prepay a certain fee purchase a certain amount of water. After entering the prepaid information into the water meter, the water can be used normally. When the value is exhausted, the control valve will be closed promptly closed, eliminating the inconvenience caused by the on-site meter reading.

The prepaid water meter is applicable to the management system under the principle of paying first then using water. In some areas of China, it is difficult to collect water fees, the phenomenon of water bill arrears is serious. The use of prepaid water meters has changed the way of meter reading water consumption settlement to avoid intensifying contradictions. At the same time, it has improved the technical content of water meter products. The management company welcomes this product.

Prepaid water meters belong to the category of smart water meters. Generally, they are based on speed mechanical water meters. Common types include IC card water meters, TM card water meters, radio frequency card water meters, code data exchange water meters, quantitative water meters.

It has an LCD display, its accuracy is relatively high the display is clear. After a long-term investigation experiment of the prepaid water meter company, it found that its error is smaller than that of the ordinary water meter, it incorporates an anti-theft electric function.

The above is the summary of the prepaid water meter. In fact, it is divided into many types. Because of space reasons, it will be introduced here. Those who are interested may wish to check the relevant information on our website.
